
World Cosplay Summit was taken place at Nagoya Aug. 4-5, 2007.
This convention featured cosplay contest and parade.
I joined the parade and walking around Osu town in Nagoya with about 200 cosplayers. Osu was called Otaku town like Akihabara and there are many comic and anime shops.

Photos by katoran, Nerikeshi, Oyajiide. special TNX^-^
The parade started from TV Aichi building. Love chan wore the brandnew costume "Run Run Flower" from Fashionable witches Love and Berry. Walking at the ordinary shopping street in Nagoya.
Love chan was gladhanding in the middle of the parade. Peace!
There werw more and more people along the parade route... The parade was finished and Love chan was going back to the building of TV Aichi. In the front of the entrance of TV Aichi, kigurumi cosplayers gathered.
After the parade, I stayed at HOSOn's house and had photo session.
Love chan wore a Budgirl dress. Why Love cha had samurai sword??

Top of this page This is 2nd annex of Neko's valhalla.